Install Mikrotik RouterOS on PC or VirtualBox

Mikrotik RouterOS is a Linux based operating system. To install RouterOS on x86 PC or virtual machine do the several steps:

1. Download official ISO image from:

2. On VirtualBox create virtual machine, on physical PC insert CD disk with RouterOS in your CD/DVD drive and start booting from CD

3. Choose which packages You want to install (to install all packages press letter “a“). To install operating system press letter “i“:

That’s all. Don’t forget to eject ISO image or CD disk and reboot PC.

To login in to the RouterOS for the first time use login “admin” and no password.

To set DHCP client on mikrotik interface use next commands:

ip dhcp-client
add interface=ether1 add-default-route=yes use-peer-dns=yes use-peer-ntp=yes 
enable 0

To connect to the Mikrotik RouterOS use official program WinBox: