Change default Grub 2 theme

Different themes for Grub 2 boot loader you can find on Gnome-Look website:

To change Grub them use three simple steps:

1. Copy folder with theme into Grub themes directory:


2. Edit Grub configuration file /etc/default/grub and write there GRUB_THEME parameter:


3. Update Grub configuration:


Best three Grub themes:

1. Vimix

2. Tela

3. CyberRe

Installing Wine 6 on Debian 10

Step 1: Enable 32 bit architecture

sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386 

Step 2: Add WineHQ repository

We will pull the latest Wine packages from WineHQ repository that is added manually. First, import GPG key:

sudo apt update
sudo apt -y install gnupg2 software-properties-common
wget -qO - | sudo apt-key add -

You should receive “OK” in the output. Add the Wine repository by running the following command:

sudo apt-add-repository

The command will add repository to line /etc/apt/sources.list file.

Update APT package index:

sudo apt update

Step 3: Install Wine 6 on Debian 10

After configuration of the APT repository, the final step is the actual installation of Wine 6 on Debian 10. Add Wine OBS repository:

wget -O- -q | sudo apt-key add -    
echo "deb ./" | sudo tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/wine-obs.list

Then install Wine from Stable branch:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install --install-recommends winehq-stable

And for latest release in staging, use:

sudo apt install winehq-staging

After installation. verify version installed.

wine --version  # Stable

wine --version  # Staging
wine-6.5 (Staging)

Debian 10 Install PulseAudio

PulseAudio is a network-capable sound server program. A sound server is a background process accepting sound input from one or more sources (processes, capture devices, etc.), that is able to mix and redirect those sources to one or more sinks (sound cards, remote network PulseAudio servers, or other processes).

To install PulseAudio on Debian Linux first update package repository:

sudo apt update

Next install PulseAudio:

sudo apt install pulseaudio

Now reboot your computer.

Using PulseAudio Volume Control Graphical Utility:

PulseAudio has a graphical frontend PulseAudio Volume Control, which you can use to easily configure PulseAudio sounds graphically.

It is not installed by default. Run the following command to install PulseAudio Volume Control:

sudo apt install pavucontrol

Also to change sound volume by hotkeys you need amixer utility install it by command:

apt-get install alsa-utils

How to change MySQL root password in Debian / Ubuntu

Connect to MySQL Server using Linux terminal:

sudo mysql --user=root mysql

Run the following commands:

UPDATE mysql.user SET authentication_string=null WHERE User='root';
flush privileges;

Replace NEW_PASSWORD with your own.

ALTER USER 'root'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED WITH mysql_native_password BY 'NEW_PASSWORD';
flush privileges;

How to Flush the DNS Cache on Debian 10

To flush DNS cache in Debian GNU/Linux use command:

sudo systemd-resolve --flush-caches

If you get error message: “Failed to flush caches: Unit dbus-org.freedesktop.resolve1.service not found.“, enable the service on your system:

sudo systemctl enable systemd-resolved.service

Then again run the “systemd-resolve –flush-caches” command.

You can then check the statistics in order to make sure that your cache size is now zero, thus cleared. Run the following command in order to view the statistics:

sudo systemd-resolve --statistics

Configure certificate in HestiaCP

1. Backup current certificates in directory /usr/local/hestia/ssl/:

mv /usr/local/hestia/ssl/certificate.crt /usr/local/hestia/ssl/certificate.crt.old 

mv /usr/local/hestia/ssl/certificate.key /usr/local/hestia/ssl/certificate.key.old 

2. In directory /usr/local/vesta/ssl/ make symbol links to certificates, that we use on our site (for example:

ln -s /home/admin/conf/web/ /usr/local/hestia/ssl/certificate.crt 

ln -s /home/admin/conf/web/ /usr/local/hestia/ssl/certificate.key 

3. Restart Hestia service:

service hestia restart

How to exit vim? And other required commands.

Vim is the most popular Linux text editor, it was created in 1978 and is used to present days.

Vim has two modes: “Command mode” where you can insert many commands, and “Insert mode” – where you can insert and edit text document. By default Vim open all documents in “Command mode”, to enter into the “Insert mode” – press button “i“.

The most asked question is – “How to exit Vim?” – it is very simple – in Command mode enter :q! and press Enter. This command exit Vim without saving any changes.


To save file – enter command :w <filename> and press Enter:

:w file.txt

To save file and exit Vim use command :wq and press Enter
