i3 is a tiling window manager designed for X11, inspired by wmii and written in C. It supports tiling, stacking, and tabbing layouts, which it handles dynamically.
Configuration is achieved via plain text file and extending i3 is possible using its Unix domain socket and JSON based IPC interface from many programming languages.
Step 2: Write ISO image to USB drive using program Etcher:
Step 3: Install Debian 10 on your PC.
Don’t install any other programs and desktop environments, uncheck all check boxes in installation menu. You need clear operating system without any other software.
Installation i3wm and other software:
Now you have clear oerating system with command shell.
First authorize in system with root login, change repositories to testing branch in file /etc/apt/sources.list, it is needed to get latest packages:
Upgrade your system:
apt update
apt upgrade
Install sudo and add sudo privilegies to your username:
apt install sudo
usermod -aG sudo username
Now you can logout from user root and authorize with your username login, Install file manager MC and other additional software:
sudo apt install mc vim htop screenfetch
Install X-Window-Server, I3, and other software for desktop environment:
PulseAudio is a network-capable sound server program. A sound server is a background process accepting sound input from one or more sources (processes, capture devices, etc.), that is able to mix and redirect those sources to one or more sinks (sound cards, remote network PulseAudio servers, or other processes).
To install PulseAudio on Debian Linux first update package repository:
sudo apt update
Next install PulseAudio:
sudo apt install pulseaudio
Now reboot your computer.
Using PulseAudio Volume Control Graphical Utility:
PulseAudio has a graphical frontend PulseAudio Volume Control, which you can use to easily configure PulseAudio sounds graphically.
It is not installed by default. Run the following command to install PulseAudio Volume Control:
sudo apt install pavucontrol
Also to change sound volume by hotkeys you need amixer utility install it by command:
1. Go to Device Manager, and enable Wake on LAN option in your ethernet adapter:
2. Go to your Mikrotik router -> Tools -> WoL -> enter MAC address of computer, select in what interface connected computer and press button “Wake On LAN”:
The LM35 is an inexpensive, precision Centigrade temperature sensor made by Texas Instruments. It provides an output voltage that is linearly proportional to the Centigrade temperature and is, therefore, very easy to use with the Arduino.
The sensor does not require any external calibration or trimming to provide accuracies of ±0.5°C at room temperature and ±1°C over the −50°C to +155°C temperature range.
One of the downsides of the sensor is that it requires a negative bias voltage to read negative temperatures. So if that is needed for your project, I recommend using the DS18B20 or TMP36 instead. The TMP36 by Analog Devices is very similar to the LM35 and can read temperatures from -40°C to 125°C without any external components.
The pinout of the sensor:
Note that pin 1 (+VS) is the leftmost pin when the flat side of the sensor (with the text printed on it) is facing towards you.
Pin1: +VS - Positive power supply pin (4 – 30 V)
Pin2: Vout - Temperature sensor analog output
Pin3: GND - Device ground pin
Source code of Arduino sketch:
#define sensorPin A0
void setup() {
// Begin serial communication at a baud rate of 9600:
// Set the reference voltage to the built-in 1.1V reference:
void loop() {
// Get a reading from the temperature sensor:
int reading = analogRead(sensorPin);
// Convert the reading into voltage:
float voltage = reading * (1100 / 1024.0);
// Convert the voltage into the temperature in degree Celsius:
float temperature = voltage / 10;
// Print the temperature in the Serial Monitor:
Serial.print(" \xC2\xB0"); // shows degree symbol
delay(1000); // wait a second between readings