PHP has a lot of functions which can be used to crack your server if not used properly. You can set list of functions in php.ini using disable_functions directive. This directive allows you to disable certain functions for security reasons. It takes on a comma-delimited list of function names.
Open a terminal application or login to your server over the ssh session using ssh command. Open php.ini file using a text editor such as vim command or nano command:
sudo nano /etc/php/8.0/fpm/php.ini
Find disable_functions and set new list as follows:
First update package list and upgrade your operating system:
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade
To install Wireguard use command:
sudo apt install wireguard
Now check if Wireguard installed correct:
sudo modprobe wireguard
If this command dose not show anything, Wireguard installed correct. If You get error like this: modprobe: FATAL: Module wireguard not found in directory /lib/modules/4.19.0-12-686, install this package:
The smartmontools package is generally available in the default repositories of all the major Linux distributions. It contains two utilities useful to check the status of storage with S.M.A.R.T support (Self Monitoring Analysis and Reporting Technology): smartcl and smartd.
The former is the utility we use directly to check S.M.A.R.T attributes, run tests, or perform other actions; the latter is the daemon which can be used to schedule operations in the background.
Tu install smartmontools use command:
sudo apt install smartmontools
Checking if SMART is enabled
Let’s become familiar with the smartctl utility. The first thing we want to check is if S.M.A.R.T support is active on the device. To perform this operation we can run the smartctl utility with the -i option (short for –info):
sudo smartctl -i /dev/sda
If SMART support is disabled we need to enable it:
sudo smartctl -s on /dev/sda
Getting S.M.A.R.T information with smartctl
To get information about hard drive /dev/sda use command:
sudo smartctl -a /dev/sda
Very important parameters to check are, among the others, “Reallocated_Sector_Ct” and “Current_Pending_Sector”. In both cases if the RAW_VALUE is something other than 0, we should be very careful and start to backup data on the hard drive. The Reallocated_Sector_Ct is the count of sectors on the block device which cannot be used correctly.
When such a sector is found it is remapped to one of the available spare sectors of the storage device, and data contained in it is relocated. The Current_Pending_Sector attribute, instead, is the count of bad sectors that are still waiting to be remapped. If you want to know more about the S.M.A.R.T attributes and their meaning, you can begin to take a look at the Wikipedia S.M.A.R.T page.
3. Next show your monitors list and find name of your monitor (VGA-1)
xrandr --listmonitors
3. And next write this command:
xrandr --addmode VGA-1 "1680x1050_60.00"
4. In Linux Mint, xorg.conf is not present by default and has to be created. This can be created only when x server is not working ie. in console mode otherwise system will give error. Type these highlighted commands one by one in console mode:
Alt+Ctrl+F1 (switch to console mode)
sudo service lightdm stop (For Mint 12 Lisa users)
sudo service mdm stop (For Mint 13 Maya users)
sudo X -configure (generates new xorg.conf file)
5. To switch back to graphical mode, type:
sudo start lightdm (Mint 12 Lisa users)
sudo service mdm start (Mint 13 Maya users)
If above commands fail to bring back graphical mode, just restart your computer.
Cockpit gives you a GUI for your server, which can be accessed via a web browser. Cockpit makes it easy to start containers, administer storage, configure networks, inspect logs, and perform system tasks with a mouse.
You can think of Cockpit like a graphical “desktop interface”, but for individual servers.
To install Cockpit on Debian / Ubuntu use command:
sudo apt install cockpit
Default Cockpit web port is 9090, don’t forget to allow access to this port in your firewall.
With Cockpit you can easy get access to server terminal from your Web-browser: