1. Create CA certificate on Mikrotik:

On tab “Key Usage” leave only crl sign and key cert. sign

2. Create server certificate:

On tab “Key Usage” uncheck all options:

3. Open certificate CA and Sign it:

CA CRL Host – host where your certificate will be checked, write there IP address or domain name of Your Mikrotik.
Field CA need to be empty.
4. Now we signed root certificate, let’s sign Server certificate: open Server certificate, click Sign, in field CA select certificate CA.

That’s all we created our certificates, now let’s create SSTP Server on Mikrotik
5. Creating SSTP Server on Mikrotik.

And now create Your user profile: go to PPP > Secrets, click Add (+) and write user name, password, service, IP address like on screenshot:

Configure SSTP client in Windows 10
First go to the System > Certificates and Export CA certificate:

Download certificate from Mikrotik > Files to Your PC and install it:

Now create new VPN connection:

Also You can use this SSTP connection in Linux – How to install SSTP Client in Linux read in this article: Connect to SSTP server from Linux