Manjaro Linux – Install Apache, PHP, MariaDB – MySQL (LAMP)

To install “LAMP” – Apache, PHP, MySQL on Arch and Manjaro Linux do some steps:

First update Your operating system to latest version:

sudo pacman -Syyu


After updating Your system lets install Apache web server:

sudo pacman -S apache

Edit file /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf, search and comment the following line:
# LoadModule unique_id_module modules/

sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Enable Apache service and restart Apache service using commands:

sudo systemctl enable httpd
sudo systemctl restart httpd

Verify Apache status by command:

sudo systemctl status httpd


Now install latest version of PHP:

sudo pacman -S php php-apache

After installation we neet to configure out PHP.
Edit file: /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

sudo nano /etc/httpd/conf/httpd.conf

Find the folowing line and comment it:

#LoadModule mpm_event_module modules/

Also uncomment or add the line:

LoadModule mpm_prefork_module modules/

Then add the following lines at the bottom of configuration file:

LoadModule php7_module modules/
AddHandler php7-script php
Include conf/extra/php7_module.conf

PHP installed. Now create index.php file in Apache home directory to check that PHP is installed correctly:

sudo nano /srv/http/index.php

Restart the PHP service:

sudo systemctl restart httpd

Go to and check that Apache server with latest PHP version installed on your Manjaro Linux:


Install MySQL Server:

sudo pacman -S mysql

Initialize the MariaDB data directory prior to starting the service:

sudo mysql_install_db --user=mysql --basedir=/usr --datadir=/var/lib/mysql

Enable and srart MySQL service:

sudo systemctl enable mysqld 
sudo systemctl start mysqld

Check that MySQL service installed and work correctly:

sudo systemctl status mysqld

After installation MySQL You need to setup root user and password:

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Install Skype on Arch Linux or Manjaro KDE

To install Skype on Arch or Manjaro Linux open terminal and clone latest stable Skype repository:

git clone

Go to ~/skypeforlinux-stable-bin/ directory and build the AUR package:

cd skypeforlinux-stable-bin/
makepkg -s

When finished the result should be the newly build Skype package ready for the installation:

ls *pkg.tar.xz

Using the pacman command install Skype package. Replace the package name suffix with the Skype version you have compiled previously:

sudo pacman -U --noconfirm skypeforlinux-stable-bin-

That’s all, the Skype installation is now completed. Use the Start menu and search Skype shortcut in Programs->Internet:

or simply start it from terminal:


Install Dropbox on Arch Linux or Manjaro KDE

Install Dropbox on Arch based Linux systems is very simple. First of all make sure that on Your system installed GIT, if not install git by command:

sudo pacman -S git

*If you already installed git , you don’t no need.

Now clone Dropbox git repository:

git clone

Go to Dropbox folder:

cd dropbox/

And compile the code by command:

makepkg -si

It’ll take some time so wait for it. If fails to build gpg key then just copy the key and type:

gpg --recv-keys YOUR-KEY

Then again press makepg -si.

Reinstall youtube-dl on Ubuntu 18.04

First remove old version of youtube-dl if installed:

sudo apt-get remove youtube-dl

Next install latest version of youtube-dl and install it:

sudo wget -O /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl
sudo chmod a+rx /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

If you have an error such “/usr/bin/env ‘python’ no such file or directory youtube-dl” – thats meen than you does not have installed python, or you install python3. Install python by command:

sudo apt install python-minimal

Or you can start youtube-dl with python3:

python3 /usr/local/bin/youtube-dl

Or you can create symbolic link python3->python with following command:

sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/python

Linux Grub change default boot operating system

Якщо на комп’ютері встановлено декілька операційних систем, по замовчуванню завантажувач Grub завантажує першу операційну систему в списку.

Щоб змінити порядок завантаження операційних систем відкрийте файл


Знайдіть рядок


Та змініть цифру 0 на номер операційної системи у вашому списку. (Нумерація рядків починається з 0)

Збережіть зміни в файлі та обновіть налаштування Grub

sudo update-grub